“Join or Die” Showcased at the Winter CEO & Board Leader Event

December 18, 2024

We had an incredible morning of connecting, learning, and sharing with 350+ attendees at our winter gathering of CEO and Board Leaders at Monmouth University Historical Great Hall. The program featured highlights from the new documentary film “Join or Die” along with a Q&A between OceanFirst Foundation Chairman, Christopher Maher, and the film’s co-director Pete Davis.

Pete is a writer, civic advocate, and former student of renowned Harvard Social Scientist, Robert D. Putnam. He is also the author of Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing and co-founder of the Democracy Policy Network.

Chris and Pete had an insightful discussion on social capital, why you should join a club… and why “the fate of America depends on it”. Watch for details about our next CEO leadership event scheduled for June 2025.

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